Environment Health & Safety

Environment Health & Safety

Our drive is the safety and health of our employees, sustainability of our environment, and the quality of our products.

Avex petroleum is highly committed to the sustenance, maintenance and enhancement of its physical and social environments.

As a responsible company, we recognize that the safety of our staff and business partners is central to our collective well-being. Total protection of the environment, safety and health is, therefore, our fundamental corporate concern.

Our Safety Culture

We have put in place a comprehensive Quality, Environment, Health and Safety (QEHS) policy that our operations are aligned to the needs of our various stakeholders.

We take pride in offering safe and high-quality products and services to our customers at all times and have entrenched a strong customer service culture that puts our customers safety and well-being before our every other business interest.

To stay in-tune with the ever-changing dynamics of the global oil industry, we are continuously working to improve our business processes to ensure that they conform to international best practices in quality assurance.

We deeply care for our people and as such, our every effort is geared towards ensuring that our stakeholders including customers and business partners derive value from their interaction with us.

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Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.